
Puresan Pure Spa for a clean and safe Spa water. Destroys all algae and bacteria in the water through a change in their enzyme processes as the ions break down their DNA structures and cell walls.

In filtered Spas/Jacuzzis these charged particles floc together and are eliminated via the normal backwash and rinse maintenance process.

  • Eliminates the need for Chlorine.
  • Kills 100% of all waterborne bacteria, viruses and fungi.
  • Keeps the piping, solar heating and filter systems free of algae, scale and biofilm build-up.
  • No need to empty the Jacuzzi as often due to the product remaining effective on an on-going basis.
  • Even meets SANS 241 drinking water specs in dosed form.
  • Does not cause the irritation often caused by Chlorine gasses and heat.
  • Ensures the continued killing of bacteria in voids and s-bends in piping.
  • 100% environmentally friendly and gardens can be irrigated with the filter backwash Dosage Guidelines add 50ml per 1000 Litres of Spa / Jacuzzi water.